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Tax code

The “codice fiscale” is essential if you need to carry out financial transactions in Italy, for properties and/or inheritance matters, and it is also issued to non-Italians. The service is free of charge and is only for private individuals. Companies must apply for a tax code in Italy, at the relevant office of the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (

The request for a tax code, for those who do not reside in Italy, can be submitted through the competent Consular Office in their local area. To check the competent Consulate, please click HERE

The tax code appears on the Italian health insurance card, provided to people who reside in Italy. However, those who reside abroad and are not entitled to a health card, as they are not beneficiaries of health care in Italy, can request the tax code certificate. Please note that you can request the allocation of a codice fiscale and its certificate at the Consular Office; it is NOT possible to obtain the tax code plastic card. 

For a SPID application, it is sufficient to obtain a tax code CERTIFICATE.
The Circular communication from Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AGID – Digital Italy Agency) on 30th April 2024 (see HERE) specifies that, when verifying the applicant’s tax code, SPID providers must accept the tax code certificate issued by Italian diplomatic mission, included the one downloaded form Fast It.


How can I apply for a Codice Fiscale?

If you are an ITALIAN CITIZEN, living in Scotland or Northern Ireland and you are regularly registered on AIRE, please check the information HERE.

FOREIGN CITIZENS permanently residing in Scotland and Northern Ireland may request the “codice fiscale” through this Consulate General by providing via email to, the following:

  • application form (click HERE) duly filled and signed with pen (read carefully the instructions on how to fill in the form)
  • a copy of a valid identity document, including the page bearing the photo and the signature and the page stating the authority issuing the document.

If applying for a child,in addition to the passport of the child, it is necessary to prove the parental rights, hence applications must include a parent’s ID and either a copy of a birth certificate or part of an ID or passport that clearly states the names of the parents.

Alternatively, the application for a codice fiscale may be sent by post to:

Italian General Consulate
Italy House
20-22 East London Street
Edinburgh – EH7 4BQ

The application must be completed in all its parts, paying particular attention that the details (name, surname, date and place of birth) exactly match those in the ID.

The Codice Fiscale is issued based on the personal details: name, surname, place and date of birth. In case of pre-existing details of the applicant in the Italian Government records, there must be consistency in the personal details.

There is no charge for the issue of a Codice Fiscale and there is no need for the applicant to come to the Consulate in person.

PLEASE NOTE: all requests (if correctly submitted) will be processed within 30 days.