Offices will only reply to e-mails requesting information not included in the pages of each department. You are kindly invited to browse or web site before requesting information by e-mail.
An appointment is necessary for those services which require the applicant’s presence in person. Appointments can be booked according to the instructions available on the different Consulate departments webpage. Those calling without a valid appointment – with the exception of emergency cases – will NOT let into the Consulate General premises.
For all other services, applications can be sent per ordinary post (or e-mail, if applicable) or through the relevant web portals. Application will NOT be accepted if dropped by hand at the reception.
For more information about appointments, services by post/email and emergencies, please click HERE.
AIRE – Residence Office | Registration, revision and cancellation from the civil register of the Italian citizens residing in Scotland and Northern Ireland | |
Citizenship | Naturalization, recognition and renunciation of Italian citizenship | |
Identity Cards & Passports | Italian identity cards, passports and other travel documents | |
Notary Office | Proxies, notarial documents, legal guardianship, last wills, notifications | |
Visa | Not available at the Italian Consulate in Edinburgh | |
Registry Office | Birth and death certificates registration, adoptions, marriages, divorces | |
Consular Welfare | Assistance, support and help for Italian citizens in need, living in Scotland and Northern Ireland | |
Electoral Office | Information about elections, electoral procedures and certificates | |
Academic Qualifications | Consular certificates and declarations of value relating education | |
Certified translations | Certificate of conformity to the original of a translation | |
Navigation | Administrative deeds in relation to vessels flying the Italian flag | |
General inquiries | Requests and other information about the Consulate and its services | |
Admin | Administration, pensions and financial matters |
For information about the consular services and the rights of Italian citizens abroad, please click HERE.
TRAVEL DOCUMENTS TO VISIT SCOTLAND. Starting from 1st October 2021, Italian, most of the EU countries and Swiss citizens who intend to travel to the United Kingdom for tourism, visits to family and friends and other limited short-term activities for up to 6 months must be in possession of a valid passport, but are exempt from the visa requirement (i.e. ‘Standard Visitor Visa‘) .
Identity cards are no longer accepted as valid travel documents and it is not possible to enter the United Kingdom without holding a valid passport. This does not apply to EU, EEA and Swiss citizens holding valid status under the EU Settlement Scheme (‘pre-settled‘ or ‘settled‘).
For more information click HERE.
PLEASE NOTE – The British Government is gradually implementing the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) as a travel requirement.
Starting from 2nd April 2025 – with the possibility of applying starting from 5th March 2025 – it will be mandatory for Italian citizens to obtain an ETA before departure for short-term trips to the United Kingdom.
For further information on the ETA (including the costs) please refer to the website of the competent British authorities (click HERE) or to the website of the Italian Embassy in London (click HERE).
Foreign citizens resident in the United Kingdom who hold a valid residence permit and, among these, holders of pre-settled status or settled status pursuant to the EU Settlement Scheme are exempt from the ETA requirement.
VISA. Please note the visa office is at the Italian Consulate in London, for all info please click HERE
SERVCES OFFERED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES. For all info about services offered by the UK or Scottish Government (National Insurance Number, NHS registration, housing, council tax, etc.) please refer to the official channels of the UK Government or the Scottish Government.