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Marriage abroad

An Italian citizen getting married abroad does not need to submit any ‘Marriage banns’.

For those Italians registered with Aire, the Consulate General of Italy in Edinburgh can issue “Nulla Osta” or a ”Certificato di Capacità Matrimoniale” according to the Munich Convention on 05.09.1980 (to download an application form see HERE)

This Consulate General of Italy can issue such “Nulla Osta” or “Certificato di capacità matrimoniale” ONLY for Italian citizens registered Aire with this Office, while for citizens:

  1. resident in Italy: it shall be the relevant COMUNE
  2. resident in another Country: it shall be the Italian consular Office of registration.

An Italian citizen getting married abroad should contact:

  1. the Italian Embassy or Consular Office in such Country – for the purposes of information concerning the documentation required for the registration of the marriage in Italy
  2. the relevant Authorities in that country for all necessary documents related to the marriage. The local Authorities competent for MARRIAGES to be celebrated in SCOTLAND or NORTHERN IRELAND are:
    • Scotland: ‘General Registry Office, Marriage Section
    • Northern Ireland: NISRA

PLEASE NOTE: requests for the issue of  “Nulla Osta” or “Certificato di Capacità Matrimoniale” to this Consulate General can ONLY be submitted by post at the following address:

Registry Office
Italian Consulate General
Italy House
20-22 East London Street
Edinburgh – EH7 4BQ


To request a “Nulla Osta” or “Certificato di Capacità Matrimoniale” you must provide the following:

  1. Relevant form (see HERE), completed and signed
  2. Copies of valid photo identity documents of both parties
  3. Payment by Postal Order ONLY (do not send cash nor cheques) to “Italian Consulate General” (please write your name at the back of the Postal order). For the relevant fees see HERE
  4. The Italian citizen resident in this consular jurisdiction from more than 2 years is required to submit also declaration issued by relevant local Authorities confirming that the applicant has NOT married locally:
    • for those resident in Scotland: letter “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN” to be issued by “National Records of Scotland”;
    • for those resident in Northern Ireland: declaration issued further to a “Marriage Check” by The Marriage Section – General Register Office.
  5. A self-addressed prepaid special delivery or signed for envelope for returning your certificate


PLEASE NOTE that, by law, the foreign MARRIAGE of an Italian citizen MUST be duly registered in Italy, as per information provided HERE.